Our company maxim is Treat Our Customers Exceptionally, and this promise also applies to our employees. At the Romero Group, we place a lot of importance upon employee wellbeing, social experiences and learning opportunities.
We want to confirm what we believe is true – that the first few days at the Romero Group are the best few days you can have at any company. To test our hypothesis, we asked our new Assistant Broker, Georgia Richmond, to discuss her experience of her first 100 days at the Romero Group.
Social Media Star of the Month, Celebrate your Workmate winner, Georgia has had a flying first hundred days. But would she say she’s has a 5 star experience when reviewing her restart at Romero Insurance Brokers?

Firstly, I asked Georgia to look back at her first few weeks at Romero Insurance Brokers. She notes three things that stood out to her: “First of all, the people, everyone is so welcoming. When you first start a new job, it’s all nerves for the first few weeks – well I started on a Thursday and by the Monday after, I was already feeling like part of the team.”
“The office environment at Romero is great as well. If you walk past someone in the corridor – and even if you don’t really know them – everyone is friendly. And also, I didn’t feel any pressure. Normally when you start a job they tell you to get on with it after a week, they expect you to just know what to do and how to do it. But at Romero, I was helped with work by my colleagues and sat beside my mentors during training. I was given the time to settle in and get used to the work-load.”
“Being gradually eased into the work-load over the last three months has been a blessing”
I asked Georgia about what she has been working on recently: “I’ve been completing my training, and in the last week took my IF1 exam. It’s one of the three exams I have to do to become Cert CII qualified and I passed!” I asked Georgia about how she prepared for the exam – “We have training every Monday morning with Alan (Hornby, Training Manager at The Romero Group).”
“I don’t think I’d have passed without the training and having that time in work to study. At a lot of places, you are expected to do it in your own time, at home. Sometimes you get home from a workday and it’s difficult -” I mention Georgia’s responsibilities she has at home which she discusses in her Coffee with Georgia Richmond and how studying at home would have been very challenging. – “It would have been torture, especially in winter” she continues, “but being gradually eased into the work-load over the last three months has been a blessing.”
“It’s great that the company are investing in graduates.”
“The company is aiming to get the candidates through the next two exams by February, but it goes to show how valuable the sessions with Alan are. The majority of people passed the exam first time.”
Georgia has been working in the insurance sector for 9 years now; I ask whether she feels like a mentor for the graduates whilst also taking the Cert exams alongside them. “It’s great that the company are investing in graduates. I do feel like I have a bit of experience to help some of the younger graduates, and if they have any queries they can come to me. There is a real mix of ages at Romeros, and we all mix and mingle together, from Claims to Private Clients, to Existing Business, to our offices in Halifax and Nottingham.”
“I can’t believe how much I’ve learnt”
We then discuss the social side of working at Romero Insurance Brokers, how it’s a chance to meet new people all over the business. Georgia mentions, “we had a work night out, we had food and drinks in a couple places and its nice because you get to know people a bit better. And I’m looking forward to the work Christmas-do this month, but there’s quite a lot of social activities. We got those pizzas on a Friday a few weeks ago after Neurodiversity week -” I ask Georgia’s opinion on the week, she replies – “Neurodiversity week was interesting because I’d not experienced that before. The presentations are on different topics each month and the speakers are excellent. I think it’s good that the company takes time to look at these topics and I’d like to read up more on Neurodiversity actually.”
We finish the conversation by discussing what Georgia has learned and what she hopes to learn in her next 100 days at the company: “Where I was before I just did fleet insurance, whereas here, being sat next to Liam, I’ve learnt so much more about other areas of insurance. I was saying to my manager, Joanna, I can’t believe how much I’ve learnt, and how beneficial it is to sit with colleagues and go through what they are working on with them.”
“At Romeros, people do genuinely want to help their client and mentor their colleagues. Next steps: I need to pass my exams, take a look at my new renewal list, and just keep progressing, but I’m very happy.” Georgia says with a smile.
Thank you Georgia for the excellent honest feedback and congratulations on passing your first exam. We wish you luck for passing your Cert CII, and are proud you are happy being part of the Romero family.