Not Dry January – My January

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A big warm welcome back to all those staff members who are returning to the office after the Christmas period. Happy New Year!!

This January, The Romero Group will be running a collective “January Challenge Yourself” effort.

It’s our mission to support leisure, hospitality and nightlife venues, and doing an alcohol-free Dry January challenge may not be in their best interests.

Dry January is about challenging yourself and abstaining from a guilty pleasure – The Wellbeing Champions have offered a few alternative options.

Current suggestions include:

  • Miss out on Meat
  • Vegan-ary
  • Dodge Diary
  • Take away Takeaways
  • Micromanage your microwave meals

There is also the option to challenge yourself by adding to your routine.

  • Achieve 10k steps everyday
  • 5 vegetables a day everyday
  • 8 glasses of water everyday
  • Re-visit the gym

We are excited to hear how you get on… An update is soon to come!

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